We got a WINNER for the June Challenge!! Remco Eijssen managed to get the most progression in 1 month of standing upside down. He went from 29sec. to a massive 61sec. on his hands.
Karsten Kroon is a good second with a progression from 23sec. to 50sec.
Remco come and get your t-shirt at the box!

This month challenge is one that's going to burn the lungs! As Fast As Possible 1 RUN around the block (950m). I wish you the best of luck with this one, it should be possible within 3 min.
If you can't run ( not the same as I don't want to run ;) the challenge will be 1km ROW for time.




Must say you guys and girls put up a HARD fight this month to win the May Challenge. 250m Row for time with a damper setting on 5, that made some of you shoot like a rocket of the concept 2 rower!
No surprise the rowing man Joost Koedijk won the challenge with 38.6 sec. But gorilla Juan put up a good fight until the last day of the challenge but got stuck on 39.5 sec.
Nobody less than Genevieve won the rowing challenge AGAIN with 46.0 sec. Beating Jolien and Marjan with just a couple of milliseconds. Both winners come and order you Batteraof t-shirt at the box!

FREE Standing Handstand HOLD for as long as possible in a 1x1m square will probably sound like a horror story for most, but for some this is a dream challenge come true! We introduced a SECRET RULE that we will announce at the end of the challenge. All you need to know is that you have to write down your new score on the board every time you advance and leave the old score.

Good luck and break a finger ;))


Sunday JUNE the 5th @12 o'clock we are inviting all CrossFit Batteraof parents with their children for the "BRING YOUR KIDS WOD" at the CrossFit Batteraof box.
One hour of fun and games with you and your children playfully introducing them (and you as a parent) to CrossFit for kids.
The class is FREE of charge and drinks and snacks are served afterwards.

Sign up via the regular schedule online or via the MindBody app. The Mobility class will be cancelled that day. You still want to do ROMWOD? No problem, just ask for the login at the box.



Every year on Memorial Day, Americans honor those who have fallen serving the United States Armed Forces. At CrossFit Batteraof we support this by completing “Murph” the workout on Memorial Day, Monday May the 30st 2016.

A MURPH WOD will start every regular WOD hour (9am - 11am - 17:30 - 18:30 - 19:30 - 20:30) with a running clock of 60 min. Make sure you sign up and are on time!


You will be hungry after this WOD! To refuel your body and to celebrate this event together we are organizing a special Memorial Day Box Dinner.
Reserve your spot via the Facebook event AND register & pay at the box reception to enjoy our homemade healthy post-MURPH WOD dinner and dessert. (Vegetarian and non-vegetarian options available. Note us of any allergies or intolerances beforehand).

Costs are €12,50 for a 3 course meal and a drink of choice. After you payed at the box your spot is reserved. Also let us know when you want to have your dinner served: @18:45 - 19:45 - 20:45 - 21:45.


A team of 4 Navy SEALs led by LT. Michael P. Murphy on a mission to capture or kill a key Taliban leader, found themselves seriously outnumbered in a firefight with hundreds of enemy troops. Pinned down and under intense enemy fire, their communications operator severely wounded, they were in desperate need for help. Due to the mountainous terrain, their communications could not be received. Understanding the situation, LT. Michael P. Murphy moved to open ground, to use his satellite phone, exposing himself to enemy fire. LT Murphy was mortally wounded making that call. They continued fighting until Lt. Murphy and two of his three team mates were mortally wounded. His fourth team member, severely injured himself, managed to escape and was rescued 4 days later. He went on to tell the story in a book and movie titled “The Lone Survivor”.

For his selfless leadership, courageous actions and extraordinary devotion to duty, LT. Michael P. Murphy was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, the first service member to receive the medal for service in Afghanistan, and the first Navy recipient of the medal since Vietnam.


You may have noticed that it's getting busy at the box at certain hours. This is a GOOD thing! But we also notice that we need to add some hours to give you all a chance to sign up for the WOD's. Plus we are adding some new gear along the way.

From the first of June 2016 onwards we will move Mobility to 12 o'clock and make room for 1 EXTRA WOD from 11 to 12am on Sunday's.

Also the last WOD on Thursday's from the first of June 2016 onwards will change into a POWERLIFTING specialty class. If you are a regular at the Weightlifting class you may know that we program Clean & Jerks, Snatch, Bench & Shoulders & Core, Deadlift and Back Squats. This will change to just Clean & Jerks and Snatches. And the Powerlifting class will contain Bench & Shoulders & Core, Deadlift and Back Squats. This way we create an extra hour a week to attack your weaknesses!

If you have any comments please let us know!


Who’s in for an awesome experience?
We get to party, have fun, laugh and do something really special plus we support our box!
Join us and get involved in the IRONMAN Maastricht the 31st of July!

For the IRONMAN race they need a lot of volunteers and the organization asked us to get involved. They need volunteers in positions like the aid-stations (food/drinks for the athletes), bike course, finish area, merchandise, and so on..
We would like to gather as many Batteraoven as possible and have an awesome day together!

What's in it for you?
* IRONMAN pre-party @ Friday July 29th
* FREE IRONMAN T-shirt & Goodies
* Volunteer at IRONMAN MAASTRICHT Sunday July 31st and have an awesome experience
* IRONMAN After party

The Batteraof Obstacle Team is signing up for the IRONMAN 5K Night Run @ Friday July 29th. It will be a lot of fun for everyone involved, with music, the support of local residents, volunteers and all participants making a great atmosphere. Once the race is over, everyone is welcome to join the IRONMAN pre-party, at de Griend, Maastricht with the 90s Forever DJ Team from 8:30pm until 01:00pm. Costs for the 5k run are €15 (including a special T-shirt).

Does it get any better? Yes! Every volunteer earns €15 that will be donated to our box. Together we will decide what to do with it! The more Batteraoven volunteer the more €€€ we have to buy something nice, like a rower ;)

What do you have to do to volunteer?
* Be available Sunday July 31st
* Write down your full name, email, mobile, T-shirt size on the list at the desk at the box
* Optional: Join the Batteraof Obstacle team @ Friday July 29 for the IRONMAN 5K Night Run and pre-party

More info:
Facebook volunteers: https://www.facebook.com/ironmanmaastrichtvolunteers/?fref=ts

IRONMAN Night Run: http://eu.ironman.com/triathlon/events/emea/ironman/maastricht/sideevents/night-run.aspx#axzz47Qu25ViT

IRONMAN MAASTRICHT website: http://eu.ironman.com/triathlon/events/emea/ironman/maastricht.aspx#axzz47Qu25ViT